Stopping discrimination against children from Catholic primary schools
7/12/22 Dr Sara Thompson has been able to report some progress in overcoming the discrimination caused by the feeder school policy promoted by the Roman Catholic Church. She would welcome any donations you can make towards her legal costs. Nearly there!… Favourable developments. Please take part in the consultation, if you can, and fingers crossed. The three secular Oadby Schools are now consulting on new Oversubscription Admission Criteria and this is the opportunity we fought for to ensure that St Thomas More children have access to Beauchamp, Gartree and Manor like all the other children in the area. St Thomas More is currently only listed as a feeder to Catholic St Paul’s. But St Paul’s might not work for every single St Thomas More family. We are fighting for choice. St Thomas More children have no real chance to get into Beauchamp, Manor or Gartree, which are secular state schools. After a 4 year “legal” battle, parents and carers now have a ch...