Learning about fundamental human values in Leicester(shire) schools

The Government has set out the fundamental human values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. It requires these to be the basis of education in Britain, describing them as British values. 

Following the Trojan Horse events in Birmingham, the President of the Society, Gush Bhumbra, has written open letters to the City Mayor and the leader of Leicestershire County Council, seeking their assurance that they have measures in place to ensure that students at all schools within their areas (whether or not of a religious character) are educating their students about these values.

Sir Peter Soulsby has responded saying:

Thank you for writing to me about our child protection, safeguarding and welfare responsibilities under the Children Act 2004. I note also your request for assurances about the particular norms and values that our children are being taught within our schools.

Further to your letter I have discussed the matter with Councillor Vi Dempster, Assistant City Mayor for Children, Young People and Schools and have been advised that we have good relationships with our schools in Leicester. I can say that we know them well enough to have confidence that your expectations are being met.

That said, it would be unwise of me to give an unequivocal assurance although I can say that we work very hard to monitor standards of educational provision within our schools.

As I’m sure you are aware, it is for Government and Ofsted in particular to thoroughly assess educational standards within all schools, and to have confidence that the correct curriculum is being taught. We do, of course, work very closely with them on this.

Yours sincerely

Sir Peter Soulsby
City Mayor

A response has been received from Ivan Ould of Leicestershire County Council.
As Lead Member for the Children and Family Services I have been asked to respond on behalf of the Leader.

ln response to your letter dated 20 July 2014 I would like to assure you that Leicestershire County Council, in its role as champion for children, promotes children's learning to ensure that there is tolerance of all faiths and none, mutual respect and an understanding of democracy and the rule of law. Officers work with governing bodies and senior leaders in all schools to make sure that the values you describe underpin their planning and provision. School inspection reports are monitored on a weekly basis and officers liaise with Ofsted if any concerns are raised. To date, no concerns regarding any school's curriculum and values have been raised.

You will appreciate that both local authority maintained schools and academies have choice and freedom to plan an appropriate curriculum. The new National Curriculum for maintained schools provides a structured, balanced framework. Leicestershire is reviewing the agreed syllabus for Religious Education, working with head teachers and governors to ensure that this is appropriate to the Leicestershire context.

With regard to children's safeguarding, we have clearly understood procedures by which schools and other providers can contact Children and Family Services. We know through monitoring incoming calls that schools are confident about the way in which this works. The safeguarding team run regular training which is well attended and evaluated. All schools, including academies, participate in regular professional development.
It is somewhat concerning that Sir Peter Soulsby deems it necessary to qualify his assurance, although not surprising. The Government has left the local authorities with the responsibility for child protection but not given them adequate powers to police acadamies and independent schools.



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  2. What an immense read, post more often please! 
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