Our new season of programmes starts this week. Until Friday there is an exhibition on display (9.30am - 4.30pm approximately, except Thursday morning) of photographs and maps, with accompanying text, telling the story of the epic march of some 400 and more of the Leicester unemployed to London and back in 1905. Many of the photographs are hand-coloured as was the practice at that time, before colour photography was developed. Members will have seen some of these before from Ned Newitt's talk given in June on the exact 100th anniversary. There are also photos of his previous exhibition in October 2004 on Leicester's Radical and Working Class History among the past talks pages. This new display has been put together with help from the Records Office at Wigston. I hope to include a photograph shortly.

Ned Newitt's site: The Labour Movement in Leicester from 1883:

The Record Office:

The first lecture in the new series, on Sunday 2nd October at the usual time of 6.30pm will be given by Colin Hyde, Director of the Leicester Oral History Project, and will include voices from the past that may be familiar to many older members.

East Midlands Oral History Archive:
