
Showing posts from January, 2015

As a result of the Charlie Hebdo assassinations Leicester Secular Society has issued this press release.

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Leicester 9th January 2015 Leicester Secular Society along with secularists around the world condemns the religiously motivated brutal attack in France on a free press and freedom of expression. This is a terrorist attempt to silence criticism and divide society We are not unique in stating our disgust at these brutal attacks and we all unite in strongly urging people and Governments to remember the crucial importance of the right to free expression. Following these unprecedented attack carried out in the streets of Paris, we would like to express our sympathies to the victims and condolences to those who knew the murdered. Gush Bhumbra, President of Leicester Secular Society, said: “We must stand for our right to free expression or we will lose that right. The only rights we can ever have are those we are prepared to take a stand over. Totalitarian ideologies will take for themselves the right to rule our lives, to tell us what we can d...