Listening to Music is Haraam and a Sin
A poster has appeared the local Boys' School of the Madani Federation stating: MUSIC | HARAAM Listening to Music is Haraam and a Sin Stay away from evil acts such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too! Music is a tool of Shaytan (Satan) The playing of musical instruments and listening to them is Haraam According to the Law of Islam one who participates in music is regarded as a Fasiq (Sinful person) One of the harms of music is that it distracts one from his Creator The messages of today's music follow a general theme of love, drugs and freedom Appearance of music and stringed instruments is a cause of Allah's anger It is the tool of Shaytan (Satan) by which he attracts people to commit wrongful acts Music is Haraam The Federation's website states that Music is studied (along with other subjects at Key Stage 3) but does not appear to be included as a GCSE option. Gush Bhumbra, the ...